Thursday, August 7, 2008


Now that I've proposed that the country switch fuel for cars and trucks from gasoline to natural gas, I see others furthering this concept. The Washington Post on August 5 carried a full page ad for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) sponsored by two trade associations. The pitch is the same: CNG costs only half as much as gasoline in gallon equivalents and that the US has large supplies of domestically produced gas. Neither presidential candidate has mentioned this issue and neither has produced any really useful ideas on energy. Pelois-Reid are still battling against lifting the ban on off-shore drilling despited majority public support for the measure. I suspect Congress favors it as well so to avoid the issue the leadership just avoids any legislation in the field.


anthony said...

There are quite a few decent fuel alternatives that simply need a better infrastructure backing them to get the support necessary to catch on. This seems like, at the very least, a viable alternative that we could, as a nation, use to ween ourselves off of foreign oil while we work on even more "green", and more importantly "domestic", methods to run our way of life.

Having talked to a British couple recently made me realize just how far back we are in terms of fuel consumption. The average car in england runs an mpg average at about what our expensive hybrid models push, and they have a whole series of cars that get 50+ mpg on the regular without even being a hybrid. They are a little bit tiny, but do we as a nation REALLY need to drive the absolute biggest thing we can get behind the wheel of?

Paul B. said...

I totally agree. We (the Nation) took advantage of relatively cheap gas prices for years and with the free market we bought big fat SUVs, well, because we could. GM, Ford, and Chrysler are getting killed in that market now. Even Toyota is suffering losses from their big trucks.
~Uncle Paul